There is a small seep coming down to the left of the plot ~20 m. A gas pipe runs through middle of plot. To the left and slightly below is a large rock face. The river can be heard below (200 m). Large successional floodplain forest between here and the river, sampled by BPS and GLS last season.;Cool, moist forest. Orange flagging along edge of plot and gas pipeline. Not a lot of deer browse. A lot of forest birds calling. Steep lower midslope/toeslope. Lush herbaceous layer dominated by Stylophorum diphyllum, Laportea canadensis and Dryopteris intermedia. Dense overstory of basswood/Aesculus flava-Acer saccharum-A. nigrum.
Area of moist mixed mesophytic vegetation on an east facing slope. Classic Tilia americana/Aesculus flava forest, large patch. ELU 1110/2110